Rumah ini tak pernah jemu dengan roti sejak ber bm. .. Why bread? Sbb kalau buat 'cik tong' tak merasa. ... Kalau kek & cookies terpaksa cari adunan yg paling sikit... Selain lasagna & bsked pasta favourite anak2 kat hostel. .. Roti yg selalu masuk oven...
Melalut pulak kali ni atas permintaan anak dara. . Cheese sausage roll with lots & lots of cheese on top (me guna shreded cheese utk pizza).. The rolls guna my normal dough recipe, pastu rataka n 4 segi tepat sapu butter, pipekan mayonis pastu tabur chopped sausages yg direndam dlm air pana sekejap (thx to my tupperware chopper-sgt mudah) pastu tabur shreded cheese or b4 tabur chopped sausage susun slice cheese. . Gulung & potong 12 (coz my baking pan blh letak 3x4 pieces. Susun dlm baking pan biar 40 min pastu tabur cheese (lg byk lg best) daun sup & black pepper.... Masuk oven 20-25 mins 180c... & siap....

Melalut pulak kali ni atas permintaan anak dara. . Cheese sausage roll with lots & lots of cheese on top (me guna shreded cheese utk pizza).. The rolls guna my normal dough recipe, pastu rataka n 4 segi tepat sapu butter, pipekan mayonis pastu tabur chopped sausages yg direndam dlm air pana sekejap (thx to my tupperware chopper-sgt mudah) pastu tabur shreded cheese or b4 tabur chopped sausage susun slice cheese. . Gulung & potong 12 (coz my baking pan blh letak 3x4 pieces. Susun dlm baking pan biar 40 min pastu tabur cheese (lg byk lg best) daun sup & black pepper.... Masuk oven 20-25 mins 180c... & siap....

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